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30 min
Freakazoid! is an animated television series produced by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini for The WB's Kids' WB programming block. The series follows the exploits of Freakazoid, a wild, mad superhero who faces a variety of super villains. Mini-episodes of other strange superheroes' adventures are also included in the show. Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation collaborated on the project. During the animation boom of the late 1980s and early 1990s, the cartoon was the third animated series developed by Steven Spielberg and Warner Bros. Animation. With the premiere of Tiny Toon Adventures and Animaniacs, speculations of Freakazoid! on the Hub Network are circulating. Bruce Timm, a main architect of the DC animated universe, originally envisioned Freakazoid! as a heroic action-adventure cartoon with comic overtones. Executive producer Steven Spielberg requested Tom Ruegger and the Animaniacs crew to adapt it into a comedy. The humor is unusual in that it includes slapstick, fourth wall firings, parody, surreal humor, and pop cultural references, akin to other Ruegger-led shows like Animaniacs.
